Saturday, May 11, 2019

IBM Datacap: Could not connect to taskmaster with given settings

Getting "could not connect to taskmaster with given settings" error when try to log into IBM Datacap Studio, Datacap Desktop/Navigator or any other client after Datacap application is copied / deployed from another server.
Root Cause: 
Admin password is encrypted & stored in Admin DB. Probably, because the encryption key is different than the key used to encrypt it on Source environment, it generated / decrypted wrong password.

Quick Solution / Workaround:
Copy the encrypted password from existing application Admin DB into failing application's Admin DB.


  • Open the Admin DB of the application like APT, TravelDoc
  • Open "tmuser" table and copy the password for "admin" user from "us_pass" column
  • Open the Admin DB of your application
  • Open "tmuser" table and paste the password copied in previous step